BASICS, what comes into mind when you hear that word? Even used in different situations or times, it takes you right down to a specific spot. The starting point. Where to start, take a step back and look at the situation in front of you from another angle. An angle that had most probably been forgotten or lost in translation. Lost on the path to innovation, change, put in the back banner never to be seen or thought about again. We do this while forgetting that sometimes basics will need to be in the front center of things. Dusted and cherished just like the first time we met it.

You see, we tend to forget that sometimes all we need to move forward is looking back, picking up basics, and getting reacquainted with it. Renew the relationship with how we started. It applies to almost all aspects of our lives. Sometimes all that is needed is a trip back to BASICS.

Going back to basics is to return to the fundamental aspects of something. At one time or another, in a lot of aspects of life, we yearn to return to the simple and most important things while we concentrate on what matters. 

Sometimes we have to repeat the same thing/skill over and over. This attention to detail and continuous repetition is a factor to consider as we return to basic concepts in various activities. 

Fulfilling relationships and simple joys of life are what we need. The path to happiness and success is different from person to person. Society can distort our view of the same. We have forgotten the basics of life as we try to keep up with an ever-changing world. We will whine and complain about what is going on or what people are doing to us. Then turn around and do the very same things that we are complaining about sometimes without even realizing it.

We have to be the change we wish to see in others. It does not work any other way. We rekindle the values of trust, love, empathy, tolerance, compassion, or self-love by going back to basics. In turn, it helps us live and enjoy happier lives. Values and good morals are what raised us. Life happens as we grow up with all its issues and challenges. We reach a point where a need to de-clutter our lives arises. To restart a soulful fulfilling life and reconnect, we could try to:


We can rediscover our essence by taking a step back to reevaluate the beliefs and values that we hold dear. In turn, it helps us see the strength that we possess. Decisions and choices need alignment with what is important to you.


Gratitude takes practice but necessary for you to recognize all you have. It does not come naturally; we need to reflect and make room for it. Appreciate the goodness that surrounds you, pray, and connect with yourself.

Gadget-free time

You still work longer, even with all the gadgets available to ease the workload. Let go of them for a specific time frame during the day. The break makes you realize other things that need attention. It might also be time well spent handling projects that you had procrastinated on.

We all have basics in our personal lives. Some certain practices and rituals form our foundations. We use them interchangeably in our daily routines often without even knowing. When these don’t happen, we tend to find things not going our way. When you start struggling or doing less than you always do. Reestablish practices or activities that are a staple in your life or home. Go back to basics.