You need a leap of faith when facets of your life seem to have reached an impasse. So many of us get stuck in the thinking phase, contemplating on what to do next while others take a leap of faith and do that thing.

What is the “thing”?

You know that thing you fear people will laugh at when you mention or even try? How about YOU try it and watch the disappointment of those who are waiting for you to fail, see you succeed? Make that decision and LEAP! Forget a thousand reasons why you can’t achieve it or why you will fail.

Focus on the opposite, why you can do it, and not say you wish you tried. Attempt it and see a chance of failure change to a chance of success. When you are tempted to ask why, how about you say why not, because:

You Will Feel Renewed
Trying something that you have never done before is scary. The thought of not knowing if it will succeed or not keeps you in your comfort zone. But the joy of doing it and seeing the fruits of your labor renews the belief you have in yourself.

The liberating feeling when you get into the muck and come out the other side a victor becomes a refreshing balm that keeps you going.

Discovering Who You Are
People around you may offer counterproductive advice that keeps you chained in fear. Keep you in one place which makes it difficult because you doubt your abilities. You need to let go to have the freedom to explore, dream, and grow.

The past might hold you back when you believe in someone’s opinion about you instead of yours. Discovering who you are is a big step toward believing in yourself as a person.

You Will Not Fear
Throwing yourself into the unknown is scary with all the uncertainty. This pushes you to get out of your own way. It helps you to break away from fear and get out of your comfort zone.

What would you do if you had no fear? Fear of failing, disapproval, judgment, or being alone. The decisions made if fear was not a factor are the best guide toward a leap of faith. Believe in yourself and start small.

You Grow
Stepping out of your comfort zone and taking a leap of faith forces you to grow. It is hard to release the comfort of the known and embrace the unknown. You develop in the discomfort of rediscovering yourself and the new surroundings of unfamiliar grounds. 

Growth is a process that can occur at any stage of your life, and sometimes for that to happen, it takes a leap of faith.

Listen to your heart and follow your passion. It may take a while but take a step and start now. The fear of inadequacy will always linger, but faith in yourself will get you there!

What leap of faith are you thinking about?